
This site and the company’s corp information are being used by a non-authorized source to legitimize SCAM job offers.

DO NOT RESPOND IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED TEXT/EMAIL CONTACT ABOUT A JOB OFFER in Honolulu – or anywhere out of country. If there is no interview or personal contact from the company, but offers to send money ahead are made, this is a SCAM.

Be part of the solution to stop this: Report any email (from a Gmail address)- with offers like this- as phishing to GMAIL. This can be done from the Gmail site. Do NOT share any personal information or respond otherwise.

Biography Steven Levitan

Based in Toronto, Steve Levitan has produced 4 feature films, over 675 episodes of TV drama, and 5 TV movies which have enjoyed widespread success all over the world. One of Canada’s most reputable entertainment lawyers, Steve Levitan decided to pursue film and television production in 1988, when he joined Sunrise Films Ltd., at the time one of the country’s most successful production companies.

In 1993, Mr. Levitan joined with Paul Bronfman, President of The Comweb Group, to found Protocol Entertainment Inc. In 2005 Levitan took over sole ownership and control of Protocol.  Protocol’s objective, from its beginning, was to devote itself to excellence in the development, financing and production of series, movies, mini-series and feature films for the North American and international markets.

“Protocol wants to offer audiences compelling entertainment with well-written stories and excellent production values”.